Opposition figures raise doubts Blackpink concert “shut down” Kim Sung-han’s time in presidential office

Posted on : 2023-03-31 16:57 KST Modified on : 2023-03-31 17:08 KST
Lawmakers cast doubt on the prevailing narrative that the former national security advisor stepped down over a communication mishap relating to a possible Lady Gaga and Blackpink performance
Park Hong-keun, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, speaks at a meeting of the party's Supreme Council on March 29. (Yonhap)
Park Hong-keun, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, speaks at a meeting of the party's Supreme Council on March 29. (Yonhap)

In response to reports that Kim Sung-han’s abrupt resignation as National Security Office director was due to a communication failure over a proposal to put together a joint performance by Blackpink and Lady Gaga during the president’s state visit to the US next month, Democratic Party floor leader Park Hong-keun pointedly asked, “Since when has the presidential office of the Republic of Korea become such a dumpster fire?”

The opposition party demanded an explanation from the administration as well as the convening of the National Assembly Steering Committee to uncover the rationale behind the reshuffle.

During Thursday’s policy coordination meeting at the National Assembly, Park asked, “Is it really true that the head of the National Security Office, which oversees Korea’s US policy, is resigning just because the president was not briefed on a proposal for a joint concert between Blackpink and Lady Gaga?”

Park went on to criticize the presidential office, saying it has become the epicenter of all kinds of rumors instead of doing its work properly and focusing on the upcoming South Korea-US summit.

“I can’t help but ask how this ever complex and chaotic diplomatic and security situation can be solved without the division of work, protocols, or systems,” Park added.

Park urged President Yoon Suk-yeol to personally explain the reason for the replacement of Kim while demanding the People Power Party convene the National Assembly Steering Committee.

Meanwhile, some Democrats are also arguing that “internal conflict” in the NSO was the real reason why Kim resigned.

“If a country’s national security chief was replaced because of Blackpink and Lady Gaga, it would become a laughingstock all over the world,” lawmaker Woo Sang-ho said in a radio interview with MBC on Thursday morning, questioning the claims about the alleged reporting omissions.

“From what I hear, [Kim’s resignation] seems to be related to the aftermath of the Korea-Japan summit,” Woo said. “There was considerable concern expressed by diplomatic circles about the Korea-Japan summit, which seems to have led to conflicts within the National Security Office among those supporting the Foreign Ministry’s approach and those in opposition.”

In other words, Kim may have been pushed out after a clash of opinions within the NSO over the South Korea-Japan summit, which was embroiled in controversy over what some critics called “humiliating diplomacy.”

In an interview with Buddhist Broadcasting System, lawmaker Ko Min-jung said that Kim “was kicked out due to a conflict between him and deputy chief Kim Tae-hyo,” the NSO first deputy director, adding that Kim Tae-hyo was the one actually holding the power.

The minor progressive Justice Party also called for transparency, saying that the rumor related to Kim omitting information from his reports was doubtful.

“The reason for this shocking replacement of the [head of the] diplomatic command tower must be revealed,” said Kim Hee-seo, chief spokesperson for the Justice Party. “The presidential office has an obligation to explain all suspicions to the public in detail and fully.”

By Lim Jae-woo, staff reporter

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