Sports minister to head S. Korea’s delegation to Beijing Olympics

Posted on : 2022-01-26 17:31 KST Modified on : 2022-01-26 17:31 KST
Korea is sending 63 athletes to the games
Hwang Hee, South Korea's minister of culture, sports and tourism, takes part in a roundtable at the offices of the ministry’s Copyright Bureau in Seoul’s Yongsan District on Tuesday. (provided by the MCST)
Hwang Hee, South Korea's minister of culture, sports and tourism, takes part in a roundtable at the offices of the ministry’s Copyright Bureau in Seoul’s Yongsan District on Tuesday. (provided by the MCST)

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hwang Hee will be attending the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing on behalf of the South Korean government.

In a press release issued Tuesday afternoon, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) said, “In consideration of our role as host nation for the previous Winter Olympics [in Pyeongchang], the significance of the Beijing Winter Olympics, precedents for Olympics attendance, and South Korea-China relations, Minister Hwang Hee will be attending the Beijing Winter Olympics as the head of the government’s delegation.”

Hwang is set to depart on Feb. 3 for an official schedule that includes attending the opening ceremony for the Olympics on Feb. 4.

Previously, the South Korean government had expressed its hope of contributing to Northeast Asian and global peace and prosperity and inter-Korean relations through consecutive Olympics taking place in Northeast Asia, with the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics following the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang and the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

While the possibility had been raised that South Korean President Moon Jae-in might attend the event in order to help resume the currently stalled Korean Peninsula peace process, that scenario became increasingly unlikely amid shifts in international politics. With the US and China increasingly at odds diplomatically over Chinese human rights issues — and with the US declaring a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics in Beijing — Seoul landed on Hwang to lead the delegation.

“In addition to attending the opening ceremony and viewing competitions to support and encourage the South Korean squad, Minister Hwang also plans to examine and support operations on the ground so that the squad can safely participate in the competition,” the MCST stated Tuesday.

“He will also be engaging in active sports diplomacy efforts, including meeting with key figures associated with the Olympics to promote and request support for the successful holding of the 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games in Gangwon Province,” it added.

South Korea is scheduled to send a squad of 124 members to the Winter Olympics in Beijing, including 56 officials, a five-member COVID-19 response team, and 63 athletes.

With the COVID-19 situation leading to a lack of training, the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee has set its targets on one to two gold medals and a medal ranking of 15th overall.

By Kim Yang-hee, staff reporter

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