9 S. Koreans on board Japanese cruise ship with 10 confirmed coronavirus cases

Posted on : 2020-02-06 18:06 KST Modified on : 2020-02-06 18:06 KST
Foreign Ministry says no confirmed cases involving Koreans thus far
Medical workers and the Japanese Coast Guard prepare for the arrival the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where at least 10 novel coronavirus cases have been confirmed, in Yokohama, Japan, on Feb. 5. (EPA/Jiji Press)
Medical workers and the Japanese Coast Guard prepare for the arrival the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where at least 10 novel coronavirus cases have been confirmed, in Yokohama, Japan, on Feb. 5. (EPA/Jiji Press)

Nine South Korean nationals were reportedly on board the Diamond Princess, a large Japanese cruise ship where 10 out of around 3,700 passengers to date have received confirmed diagnoses of novel coronavirus infection.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Feb. 5 that it had been notified by the Japanese government that nine South Korean nationals (four men and five women) had been traveling on the cruise ship, which is currently docked at in Yokohama.

“To date, there are no suspected cases involving South Koreans,” the ministry said.

On Feb. 5, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare performed novel coronavirus testing on passengers exhibiting symptoms such as fever and coughing, as well as 273 others who had been in close contact with them. The results confirmed 10 people to be infected with the virus. By nationality, three of the passengers were Japanese, three Chinese, two Australian, and one American. A crew member from the Philippines also received a confirmed diagnosis.

After confirmation on Feb. 1 that an 80-year-old Hong Kongese man who disembarked from the ship in Hong Kong on Jan. 25 was infected with the novel coronavirus, Japanese health authorities began a large-scale quarantine effort. The ship, which was carrying a total of around 3,700 people including crew members and 2,666 passengers, departed Yokohama on Jan. 20 and traveled to Kagoshima Prefecture, Hong Kong, and Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, before returning to Yokohama on Feb. 3.

Besides the patients with confirmed diagnoses who have been transported to hospitals, the other passengers and crew members -- including the nine South Korean nationals -- are to remain on the vessel for a period of around two weeks for additional testing due to the virus’s incubation period.

By Park Min-hee, staff reporter, and Cho Ki-weon, Tokyo correspondent

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