Seoul-Beijing ties mustn’t be swayed by ‘third-party factors,’ says Chinese envoy

Posted on : 2024-05-30 17:34 KST Modified on : 2024-05-30 17:34 KST
The remarks are being read as a call for Seoul to reject Washington’s influence in its affairs with Beijing
Ambassador Xing Haiming, who represents China in South Korea. (Yonhap)
Ambassador Xing Haiming, who represents China in South Korea. (Yonhap)

China’s ambassador to South Korea said that South Korea-China relations “should not be influenced by third-party factors.”  

Speaking at a forum hosted by the Global Institute for Strategy and Cooperation, titled “South Korea-China Think Tank Strategic Dialogue,” Ambassador Xing Haiming stated, “Improving friendly relations between South Korea and China benefits the people of both countries. This is something that should be decided amongst ourselves.” 

The statement is being read as a call for Seoul to reject Washington’s influence in its affairs with Beijing.  

“Developing relations with China and with the US are not mutually exclusive,” Xing added. “One does not need to be prioritized over the other, nor does one need to be reduced to increase the other.”  

Xing called for both parties to “be wary of anti-China or China-containment factions and to build a partnership that respects each other’s key interests and values by increasing mutual trust and working towards friendly relations.”  

Xing’s comments seem to take aim at discussions related to South Korea’s potential involvement in US-led minilateral partnerships such as AUKUS, Washington’s pact with Australia and the UK. Regarding China’s passive stance on North Korea, evidenced by its recent refusal to address the issue of denuclearization, Xing said, “China has always pursued friendly relations with both South and North Korea, emphasizing fairness from the past to the present day while calling for mutual dialogue.”  

Xing essentially reiterated Beijing’s previous stance that calls for a “political solution to Korean Peninsula issues.”  

The Korea-China think tank strategic dialogue, hosted by the Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation in Seoul’s Press Center on May 29, 2024. (courtesy of the Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation)
The Korea-China think tank strategic dialogue, hosted by the Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation in Seoul’s Press Center on May 29, 2024. (courtesy of the Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation)

Wi Sung-lac, a former diplomat who was recently elected to the National Assembly lawmaker for the Democratic Party, gave the keynote address at the forum. 

“It’s best for both sides to acknowledge the realities of the US-China competition for hegemony and of South Korea’s alliance with the US. On this backdrop, we should work toward stabilizing South Korea-China relations to achieve realistic goals,” Wi said.  

Having served as the Foreign Ministry’s special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, Wi acknowledged that “the issue of North Korea’s nuclear weapons is an existential problem for South Korea,” and called on China to take a more forward-looking stance on North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile launches.  

“If China continues the regression it’s taken regarding North Korean missile launches and provocations that threaten South Korea’s survival, it will be difficult to restore Seoul-Beijing relations to a virtuous cycle,” Wi said.  

“Regarding relations with China and cooperation with China on US affairs, South Korea needs to designate clear standards on its interests and desires before going forward on any cooperative framework with China,” Wi added.  

“There needs to be no restrictions on contact and communication between our ambassadors,” Wi added. Wi addressed the current situation, in which both sides are rejecting proposals for dialogue between Xing and Chung Jae-ho, South Korea’s ambassador to China.  

Over 20 think tanks specializing in foreign affairs and security, as well as over 50 researchers, partook in Wednesday’s forum.  

By Park Min-hee, senior staff writer 

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